SKIN in The Ranch2018-03-09T19:05:34-08:00THE BEST ANTI-ALLERGY NATURAL REMEDIES TOP FOODS TO STOP SKIN ALLERGIES: Allergy is hypersensitivity to some substances. Some substances that can cause allergic reactions are: food, pollen, body parts of animals or poison from insects. The most common symptoms caused by seasonal allergies are sneezing, tearing of the eyes, and sore throat and dry. There are many natural remedies or foods that can ease our living. Some of the foods are: Garlic and onion Garlic and onion can mitigate allergy symptoms. They contain quercetin, flavonoid that acts like antihistamine (it is a substance that blocks the allergic reaction). Broccoli Broccoli helps in alleviating the symptoms of allergies so that can clean the sinuses. It is rich in vitamin C, which reduces the level of histamine (a substance that causes the allergic reaction). Together with the broccoli, consumption of cabbage and cauliflower is recommended. Carrots They are rich in carotenoids [...]