Hum Nutrition

2018-03-09T19:06:36-08:00 Check out this video all about the new HUM Nutrition offered at SKIN. We back everything we do and we know that beauty is SKIN deep. And deeper! Watch how Walter struggled with acne and was able to formulate vitamins for troubled SKIN.

Hum Nutrition2018-03-09T19:06:36-08:00



Maintain good energy. A vital outlook and youthful skin, and your hormones.  And one of the best ways to help clear your skin and boost your hormone health is to eat for your hormones.The Importance of Hormones Hormones and their importance to your body and skin: Hormones are molecules produced in the body. These molecules act as chemical messengers, sending information through the blood to various organs in the body, directing them how to behave. Now — your skin is the largest organ in your body and  your hormones play a big role in the way your skin behaves.1 Your hormones affect the rate at which your skin ages, and also work to dictate oil production, hair growth, and the presence of acne.2Clearly, hormones play a major role in the skin and the body. And it’s probably not surprising that having too much or too little of a particular hormone [...]

HOMONES AND STRESS2018-05-28T09:37:11-07:00

Dairy and Acne


Diet Dairy & Acne What is the truth about Diet Dairy & Acne?  This post is all about Diet and Acne, how to eat right for your skin type. I have recently been really researching the correlation between Diet Dairy & Acne, what works and what is true.  I am writing this for all my confused acne prone friends out there.   Dairy is not all equal. In fact, you might be surprised to learn that, the worst type of milk for your acne, is actually skim milk.   And hormone-free just means hormones weren’t added. The milk still has hormones; the same idea goes for meat and poultry.  Hormone free chicken is not really hormone free.  Think about it, Dairy is doing to your body and skin exactly what it kooks like it is doing, clogging pores and digestive tracks with a white glue like substance. Did you know that there [...]

Dairy and Acne2018-02-16T13:00:33-08:00
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